Minggu, 19 April 2015

How To Make Brownies
Ingredients :
  1. 200 grams butter
  2. 1/2 cup cocoa
  3. 2 cups brown sugar
  4. 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
  5. 1 cup plain flour
  6. 2 eggs
  7. 1/2 cup chopped walnuts (optional)
What to do :
  1. Turn the oven to 180C and line a 30x20cm  tin with baking paper (or grease it).
  2. In a medium sized sacepan, put the butter and cocoa. Melt it gently and make sure you don't boil it.
  3. Add the sugar and vanilla, and stir it in well.
  4. Take the mixture off the heat and sift in the flour. Stir it in well.
  5. Add the eggs, beating them in really well.
  6. If using them, add the chopped walnuts and stir them it.
  7. Spread the mixture in the tin. Bake for 20 - 25 minutes.

Kamis, 16 April 2015


Words that modify verbs are called adverbs.
e.g. : She run quickly
(the word 'quickly' explains the way how she runs)

Most adverbs are formed by adding 'ly' to an adjective.
e.g. : - slow ----> slowly
        - quick ----> quickly
        - calm ----> calmly

the normal position of adverb is Manner, Place, and Time (MPT)
e.g. : She studied hard in the her room last night
                          manner         place                 time
But the position may change into Place, Manner, and Time when there are verbs such as go, reach, arrive, come, return, get, walk, run, etc.
e.g. : He arrived home early last night
                         place    manner    time

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Exercise 26 : Adjectives and Adverbs
1. Well
2. Intense
3. Brightly
4. Fluent
5. Fluently
6. Smooth
7. Accurately
8. Bitter
9. Soon
10. Fast

Exercise 27 : Linking ( Copulative) Verbs
1. Terrible
2. Well
3. Good
4. Calmly
5. Sick
6. Quickly
7. Diligently
8. Vehemently
9. Relaxedly
10. Noisy

Exercise 28 : Comparisons
1. As soon as
2. More important
3. The same well
4. More expensive
5. The same hot
6. More talented
7. More colorful
8. More happy
9. Less bad
10. Faster fast

Exercise 29 : Comparisons
1. Than
2. As
3. From
4. Than
5. Than
6. Than
7. As
8. Than
9. Than
10. Than

Exercise 30 : Comparisons
1. Best
2. Happier
3. Faster
4. Creamier
5. More colorful
6. Better
7. Well
8. More awkwarder
9. Least
10. Prettiest
11. The best
12. Than
13. less impressive
14. The sicker
15. Than
16. Twice as much as
17. Few
18. Many
19. Farthest
20. More fam